Watching The Clock In Cafe World
When you deal with food what you have to do is watch the clock for it does not take much for your dishes to spoil on the stove. In Cafe World different entrees take to prepare. Remember even if a dish is ready to go in Cafe World but there is no room on the counter than it is basically sitting there waiting to spoil. Spoiled food leads to unhappy customers, wasted income and one heck of a mess that you will have to clean up. Plan your meals around the clock so if you know you are going to be away from the game for a couple of hours make sure the food you start cooking will take at least three hours to cook leaving you with time to get the food out to the customer and make money.

Make A Lot Of Money In Cafe World
When it comes to preparing a menu in Cafe World what the main goal should be is to make the most money possible. Too many players in games like FarmVille and Cafe World tend to see a high sticker price and that is the item they go with but that is not how you get on the road to success. What you need to do is see what item will serve a good number of customers with that one dish for it does not make any sense to prepare a fancy meal for two people when you have twenty customers sitting in your restaurant waiting for food. By serving one dish you can keep on preparing that dish all day and all night and not have to worry about running out of food but if you are using multiple dishes of food you need to keep a close eye on your serving counter to make sure that it can handle all of the dishes
Cost Per Serving Is The Key To Fortune In Cafe World
Cost per serving is basically what does it cost the restaurant to prepare and serve a specific dish. As a blossoming restaurant order you want the difference between what it cost you and what you charge the customer to be as big of a difference as possible. If your cost per serving is too close to the selling price you are going to run into difficulty no matter how many dishes that you sell.
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